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Find out from our staff what it’s like to work in APS
Find out from our staff what it’s like to work in APS
What sets APS apart is the culture of the organization. I enjoy the familial environment, where it seems like a home away from home. I also like how the organisation values workplace inclusivity, whether it be with the children and families that we serve or with the staff. What I enjoy most about working at APS is how we are all on a journey of self-discovery, to better understand our individual identities, not only as professionals but more importantly, as unique individuals that make up the body of Christ.
我很享受跟幼儿们一起敬拜,讲圣经故事的时间,能解答他们的疑问,让我觉得这份工作很有意义。我能够与主内的姐妹们在一起,在那种温馨,彼此扶持的环境中工作,感觉如同一个大家庭。我也很喜欢APS 的课程,能激发幼儿们的创意和逻辑思维。我感觉我好像一个大孩子,每天都可以和他们打成一片,一起玩乐和学习,我也从他们的身上学到很多功课,也改变了我自己价值观。
I’ve been in APS since I was 22!
I like that I grew up here and now that both the organization and I have matured, I have the opportunity and capacity to give back.
I love my job because everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission. I love that I have a great degree of control and freedom that generally improves positive job attitudes. I have the desire to work with children and here at APS I am given the opportunity to look after the bus children or to walk down the little ones to their classes in light with my duty as an Administrative Executive. The office team makes me feel like a valued member of the school. I have great leaders, very encouraging, Inspiring and concerned about every staff. Together we work as a strong team to achieve the best for the school. Everyone I worked with is very helpful and informative. It is evident that they love their jobs which makes a huge difference.
I love that we are all working towards the same mission and vision! The same ministry that God has placed us, that we may serve the children, the families and one another. The flexibility to manage my own time and tasks is a plus for me!
We have nice and wonderful colleagues here at APS. Through APS, I have improved in my skills and have gotten to bond with many colleagues here. Through working, I have learnt about showing grace and compassion to one another, and it has helped me and my fellow colleagues. Overall, the thing I enjoy most about APS is the friendly environment created, which has moulded me to become a better person.